Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cohort 1: Day 9 in Israel: North American Kennes

Today we woke up and went straight to breakfast then we split into our color groups and had some nice programming where we talked about our communities. In a group of around 5 kids we created a new ideal community on a piece of graph paper. In the program we had buildings that we could put in our community and each building cost a certain amount of squares on the graph. Also, as an added challenge, we could not have any of the buildings touch one another. It was very interesting to see who thought we needed what and how they justified their opinions. 

After that we had some programing at David Ben Gurion’s grave where we learned about his life and assessed some of his famous quotes as a group. I loved hearing all of the wonderful and unique opinions of the people in my group. Then we headed off to lunch and had a bit of free time. We Chicago kids led the pack in exploring the canyon near Sde Boker. Everyone had a “climbing” buddy as we climbed down the beautiful downward slope of the valley that revealed an excellent view that stretched for miles of what used to be a riverbed. 

Afterwards we had some inter-group programing where our color groups mixed with other color groups and had a program where we talked about the Jewish populations in different communities and as our conversations developed we ended up talking about all of our experiences with anti-Semitism. It was a beautiful thing to see how everyone supported one another even though we all lived hundreds of miles away from each other. We then listened to a wonderful lecture by Avraham Infeld and we learned about all of his views on the Jewish community. He feels that Jews should be connected with one another through identifying with at least three of five categories--memory, family, language, Israel, and Mt. Sinai

We ended the night with an extremely powerful night circle where we really bonded as a group and we popped party poppers of the edge of a cliff to celebrate the New Year!

By: Kyle O'Day

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