Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Diller Chicago Cohort 2 ISS, July 26

Tisha B'av is not a happy day for the Jewish people. On that day we commemorate the destruction of the First and Second Temple and we basically add on all of the other tragedies that have happened over time. This is not a widely "celebrated" holiday amongst the Jews, but most people who do observe it, fast in memorium of the destruction of the temples. For Tisha B'av this year, we had the opportunity to be in Israel. A high percentage of the Chicago cohort decided to fast. I mean "when in Rome" or this time, Israel.

We started out the day by learning a tune to the words "If I forget Jerusalem may my right hand wither." It was very special and seemed to fit perfectly with the theme of Tisha B'Av. We then began discussing Sinat Chinam (baseless hatred) and Ahavat Chinam (baseless love). Sinat Chinam is one of the supposed reasons of the destruction of the Second Temple and Ahavat Chinam is what needs to happen in order for the Third Temple to be built. We talked about ways there is still Sinat Chinam in the world and solutions to try and eliminate it. Afterwards we talked about Ahavat Chinam and things we can do to work towards it. We then split into two groups and designed our own temples.

Later in the day we went to the new settlement Eliav. There, we designed masks that reflected how we think people see us and how we see ourselves. We shared with everyone and after the activity the people who were not fasting went to volunteer at a synagogue and helped clean it, while the fasting people rested and had a limmud (text study). All in all the group who planned the day gave everyone a very meaningful Tisha B'Av.

-- Barb Sodos

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